Madison County Republicans

Thank you for visiting the Madison County Republicans site! You are always welcome to look around and browse, and see what we’re all about!

UPDATE 10/2020:

As we all are aware, COVID-19 has affected everything, be it events and all. Let’s all pitch in to do everything we can to stop the spread of this deadly virus and ensure we return to the America we know and love, without fear of endangering family, friends and strangers alike.  We hope everyone is staying safe, and practicing social distancing and staying home as much as you can.


yard signs

A lot of candidates’ yard signs are in, so please feel free to reach out to that person (be it e-mail, social media, etc.). In the coming weeks, we will be posting yard signs all over. Some of the state and region-wide candidates have people in Madison County that have signs for them and will distribute to those who are interested. Some even have Trump signs, as well as those for the “No Tax Amendment”.  

Piasa Armory drive thru sign pickup event on Sep 19th in Alton IL.




The world lost a great person on July 3, 2020. Clint served on the Madison County Board (District 27-Maryville), Chairman of the Board’s Facilities and Sewers committee, as well as serving on the Transportation and Grants committee. He was remembered for being well-dedicated to being in public service, and for listening to both sides. Our prayers and condolences go out to his family and many friends. 

Link to Telegraph article

We will have pages for all of the Republican candidates real soon. Here is the LIST (from the County Clerk’s website).

The sample ballots for Madison County are now in. The first two on the left are a preview of what you’ll see on the ballot. As far as some of the local races, it will depend on where you are voting. Early voting information is on the right. You’re welcome to click on any and you can make them bigger. 

Be sure to check out our events (fundraisers, meetings, etc.) at the calendar below this page! If you have any to add, please contact us.

Congratulations to Mark Curran, who will be facing off against Dick Durbin in November!

Congratulations to Mary Miller, who won the GOP Nomination for IL-15!

IL Senate GOP candidate Mark Curran poses with (l to r:) Erica Conway Harriss, Ray Wesley, Jeremy Plank, Amy Elik, Kurt Prenzler and Avery Bourne

As you’ve probably read above, there have been several postponements and cancellations regarding our party’s events.
We will do our best to keep everyone posted about any announcements.